Each funding opportunity has its own set of rules, regulations, and requirements for funded agencies. These rules, regulations, and requirements are updated frequently.

It is each individual agencies responsibility to keep their programs, financial files, client files, policies, and procedures in compliance with all updated rules, regulations, and requirements.

Updates about each individual grant are available on funder’s websites and are sent out by individual funding agencies, the Brown County Homeless and Housing Coalition, the Wisconsin Balance of State, and lead agencies.

The information provided below is taken from individual funders websites.


Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources

The Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) offers a broad range of program assistance and resources to address homelessness and support affordable housing, public infrastructure, household energy needs, and economic development opportunities. The Division partners with local governments and service providers, non-profit agencies, housing authorities, and developers.​

Please see all information and trainings regarding listed funding and additional funding opportunities on DEHCR’s website.

Housing Funding Opportunities through DEHCR:

  • EHH Grant: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), and Housing Assistance Program (HAP) are collectively referred to as the EHH Program. ​​
  • Homeless Case Management Services Grant: The Homeless Case Management Services (HCMS) grant program was created through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant program and through Wisconsin Act 59 (statue §16.3085).  As such, all funding provided via the grant is subject to TANF rules and regulations.  The grant centers on providing families experiencing homelessness intensive case management services across four focus areas.
    • Eligible Activities
    • ​Financial management.
    • Employment.
    • Ensuring school continuation for children.
    • Enrolling unemployed or underemployed parents in W-2 or the Food Share employment and training program.
  • State Shelter Subsidy Grant Program: The State Shelter Subsidy Grant (SSSG) program provides operational funds to emergency shelter and motel voucher programs that have additional funding needs due to the renovation/expansion of an existing shelter facility, the development of an existing building into a shelter facility, the expansion (or development) of shelter services, or the inability of a shelter program to obtain adequate funding to continue to provide an existing level of service.
  • Tenant Based Rental Assistance: The U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) was created to provide federal assistance to states to produce decent and affordable housing opportunities, particularly housing for low- and very low-income households. The Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) allocates HOME funding to support the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program in non-HOME entitlement areas in Wisconsin. Contracts are awarded to applicant agencies on a two-year funding cycle to provide rental assistance to individuals and households that have incomes at or below 60 percent of the County Median Income (CMI) and meet other eligibility requirements. Because the TBRA program allows local flexibility in many program design areas, DEHCR allows applicant agencies to develop their own community-specific programs. TBRA programs must comply with HOME regulations such as tenant occupancy and income requirements, unit and rent standards, and administrative performance. Applicant agencies awarded funding are subject to performance indicators, such as participation levels, affirmative outreach efforts, and availability of suitable housing. As with all HUD HOME programs, the TBRA program requires a best effort to provide 25 percent match. Eligible​​ match items cannot include a client’s portion of the rent or any federal funding sources.
    • Eligible Activities
    • Security Deposit Assistance
    • Rental Assistance
    • Utility Assistance
    • HQS Inspections
    • Household Income Determinations
Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care

​​The mission of the WI Balance of State CoC (WIBOSCOC) is to end homelessness by supporting local coalitions throughout Wisconsin.

WIBOSCOC administers the annual HUD CoC Competition for funding.

Eligible Activities

  • Permanent Supportive Housing
  • Rapid ReHousing
  • Supportive Services Only*
    • *When specific need-based funding is available

Application Timeline


  • CoC Competition begins
  • Detailed instructions are released
  • New Projects are considered


  • Deadline for APR submission in SAGE for use in scoring tool
  • Scoring tool posted on WIBOSCOC website
  • Request for information from Local Coalitions due
  • Supplemental Requests due
  • Local CoC applications due
  • Submissions completed in eSnaps


  • Deadline for all projects to be complete, correct, and approved in esnaps
  • All information and applications must be posted on the CoC website
  • CoC’s Deadline to submit FY 2023 CoC Competition application & materials to HUD