Trainings provided by the Wisconsin Balance of State.

The Balance of State works hard to keep service providers up to date on all HUD policy and best practices for homeless service providers or those in a support service role. This page serves as an index of the trainings that WIBOSCOC provides via webinar and or those provided by affiliations such as HUD, Institute for Community Alliance (ICA) and others.

WI Balance of State Case Management Toolkit: Best Practice Trainings for Case Managers

Coordinated Entry Training provided by the Wisconsin Balance of State.

The Coordinated Entry System is a critical component in the effort to end homelessness. The goal of the Coordinated Entry System is that the process is easy for people to access, that it identifies and assesses their needs, and makes prioritization decisions based upon needs. Assistance should be allocated as effectively as possible and it should be easily accessible no matter where or how people present.

​The Coordinated Entry System helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. The Coordinated Entry System will also provide information about service needs and gaps to help communities plan their assistance and identify needed resources.

A new Coordinated Entry Barrier Assessment rolled out in December 2023 and January 2024. Staff who utilize Coordinated Entry are required to complete all Coordinated Entry trainings.

HMIS Training provided by the Institue for Community Alliances

ICA keeps up to date dashboards for user trainings – one dashboard for New User Trainings, and one for all other HMIS users.

All those interested in using HMIS (a requirement for all HUD grants) must complete all four New User trainings to receive access to Clarity HMIS.


Free Online Training for the Nonprofit Professional.


National Alliance to End Homelessness Trainings

Offers free and paid online trainings for Homeless Services

Roundtable Series – Stronger Together: A Roadmap to an Effective Homeless System